
How I started My Real Estate Journey

(Message from the Founder and CEO of Molinge Real Estate, originally published on Facebook)


The return of an influencer (Now cooking real estate)


It’s been quite a while some of you have been reading from me on Social Media. Maybe you’ve been wondering “why the silence?. Truth is I’ve been seriously cooking, not just any meal but the type of food that never gets sour but more tasty over time. Don’t sweat it, I’m talking about real estate! 


Leverage on your people skills


12 years ago while I was still at the university, I sold my first land and since then I have been selling. I never saw myself as a realtor but I knew those with ready cash willing to buy and equally the wealthy land merchants. Both came to me for a solution in either buying or selling. At first I wondered, but later realized it was simply because I had this natural ability of not just connecting people, but shining a light on everyone’s business. So family, friends and friends of friends started contacting me for their real estate solutions, that’s how I became a bridge ! Most times I did it for free, and then later I started getting paid for my services. Ever since then, I’ve been assisting people in realizing their real estate dreams while making some good passive income too. I never took this hustle seriously as I was more focused on improving the world via civic engagement. But then, there are many ways of making a difference, which could still be in business, religion or public service!


The gift of the pandemic. Life is what you choose to see it for


The pandemic was the much needed speed break for me as I seemed to have been on autopilot. It gave me the time to deeply reflect on the next phase of my life and career. This is how overtime, the vision dawned on me that real estate is what I need to pursue. 


Grow from informal to professional 


I probably would have been doing this informally for a long time but what led me to work relentlessly for the last couple of months to set up a formal institution is because I want to solve a problem. I have been badly frustrated and been a victim of  a system that permits technicians to misappropriate your money and resources yet still act boastful as though it is a right.

Don’t let wrong doings become the new normal

Many people just like myself have been extorted and finally had to accept “that’s just the way it is”. Really? Wrong has become the new normal? We can’t just accept our visions being crashed. Imagine you were soon due retirement and your life savings is what you wanted to build a house with, then entrust it to an individual who misappropriated it and feels like nothing can be done to them? Or maybe you work so hard to buy a piece of land and realize it has been double sold?


Curbing malpractices and restructuring the African real estate industry


All these malpractices are what we need to stop! This is why I founded Molinge Real Estate Company Limited. For sometime now, I  assembled a team of highly skilled personnels to work on this vision of revolutionizing the real estate industry not just in Cameroon but Africa as a whole. We are working hard everyday to merge real estate with the latest advancements in technology so as to be able to bring you simplified, reliable and sustainable solutions wherever you are in the African continent.

Become part of our vision and make money too with us !

Moreover, we have put in place a structure that can also permit you the client to make money from us and not just from You! So if you want to be a part of this vision or just know more about us, then we welcome you to subscribe to our website and social media handles. Together, we can all grow !



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