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As a real estate developer who has dealt with over 2500 individual clients over the last decade, this is a question I find myself fielding frequently, and more than ever as we head into 2019. More and more agents are realizing that consistent blogging can be a huge cornerstone of an effective organic (non-paid) long-term Search Engine Optimization strategy for their real estate websites.

When going through this list, make sure that you establish what your goals are with your real estate blog. Do you want your website to be a complete buyer and seller resource? Do you want to focus on local events?

Ideally, you should experiment with a little of everything and let your analytics dictate what you focus on. Always make sure that your overarching objective is to provide ‘value.’ Please don’t be the guy that writes an article with all keywords and no substance.

Without further adieu, below you will find a list of some of the best real estate blog ideas you should be using, separated in to popular categories. Generally speaking, we’ve tried to put what we feel is the best stuff in each list towards the top. Enjoy!


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